
Showing posts from November, 2012

Movie in Focus

Alright, dear audiences! This, I am sure, is a first of a kind experience for you; and hence this is the first of a kind beginning to the movie as well. After all, as they say (I really don’t know who the fuck says those things, anyways!) all unusual things have a rather unusual beginning. So, here we are. Here’s a little disclaimer for all of you who are going to sit through this “ highly pretentious, filled-to-the-brim with self-indulgence, proclaiming to be art” movie. What you are about to witness is a movie that you have never seen before, never heard about before, and most certainly, if you have been raised in the safe confines of entertainment-oriented cinema, have never even thought of before. This piece of experiment is sure as hell a movie with all the trappings of a usual movie; but also with a fair share of a twist like James Bond’s Martini. So, while this movie sure is shaken; it unlike Bond’s Martini is quite stirred too… So, while it has musi...