
Showing posts from December, 2011

A Sense of Abstraction

A sense of abstraction surrounds me as I sit and take a sip of smooth whiskey. Unaware of what the life holds for me for tomorrow and the days to come. Is savoring the today a cardinal sin? I don't think so. After all, seize the day is the mantra for the new age folks like myself. Inconsequential existence renders one so drained out that seeking an escape becomes the only one want that we hold dear to our hearts and try to safeguard it till the time we breathe our last. What is this willingness to hold our own a product of anyways? Isn't it the product of day-to-day drudgery? I guess so. Well, then your guess can differ from mine; considering we all are a part of a post-modernist generation, aren't we? Nonetheless, here I sit. Trying to wade off today and implicitly planning my tomorrow to just solidify my sense that tomorrow is, if not better, at least as good as today. Is that again a cardinal sin? It certainly can never be. After all what will happen to all those w...

A Trip to Nowhere

Open space, vast expanse of nothingness. Abyss exists below, above and around me. I was sitting on the Globe. I was sitting on the world. I was sitting on planet earth. The darkness ensued everywhere. I was slipping. I was slipping in to the abyss. I tried my best to cling on to the surface; but nothing happened. I couldn’t even clench my fingers on to the surface of the world that seemed to have gotten flat. The gravitational pull of the nothingness continued to lure me towards itself, as I tried in vain to sustain myself and to survive. I fell and fell deep. Sailing in the hollowspehere, I land on a bed covered in a thick white sheet. I wake up with a heavy heart and sweat all over my body. I clench to the corners of the bed to feel assured. A few moments later, I step down from my bed and I get sucked. I look down and see a quicksand. I get pulled into it. Seeing the bed by my side, I reach out to it; but then it breaks. It snaps out. It gives away. The last shard of sup...

The Consequentality of All Things Incidental

Everything is incidental out there, including and especially existence. Existence of human kind; and if a human being is a part of nature, then by that yardstick even nature is - after all the most haunting question to me - personally - has been if nature was ever planned or did it happen by accident? If the existence of nature is by accident, then yes - all other things also exist as a way of chance. Now if that is true, then the only thing that is consequential and holds any sort of weight is chance. Rest everything is as inconsequential as they come. What then is the purpose of anything? What then is the purpose of human efforts all through this state of existence called life? Aren't we all trying to, in vain of course, create a justification for things and their being by working to find meaning? Aren't we trying to provide ourselves a reason to believe that there is a very strong purpose as to why somethings happen? Are they in anyone's control? If they are, the...