
Showing posts from August, 2011


I get up, I get pushed down. I get up again and I get pushed down. Beaten, battered, bruised and pushed to an extreme, every time I get up just with the hope of never being pushed again. They say change is the only thing that is constant in the world; I beg to differ somehow. The way I look at things, I feel the only thing that is constant and forever existent is – abuse! Abuse of what kind? Or what kinds? Well, there can’t be a definitive answer to that, Ladies and Gentlemen! Because what one considers to be abuse also depends on the perception of the abuser and abused. Can not doing anything be a job too? Well, for most of the women in this world that seems to be a full time occupation. Also for some guys, that seems to be a way of life. Philosophy/tranquility/spirituality is what they choose to call it. Is it really any of the things that it is said to be? It depends on what side of the line you belong to. But then again, is there any difference between what lies o...