A Sense of Abstraction

A sense of abstraction surrounds me as I sit and take a sip of smooth whiskey. Unaware of what the life holds for me for tomorrow and the days to come. Is savoring the today a cardinal sin? I don't think so. After all, seize the day is the mantra for the new age folks like myself. Inconsequential existence renders one so drained out that seeking an escape becomes the only one want that we hold dear to our hearts and try to safeguard it till the time we breathe our last. What is this willingness to hold our own a product of anyways? Isn't it the product of day-to-day drudgery? I guess so. Well, then your guess can differ from mine; considering we all are a part of a post-modernist generation, aren't we?

Nonetheless, here I sit. Trying to wade off today and implicitly planning my tomorrow to just solidify my sense that tomorrow is, if not better, at least as good as today. Is that again a cardinal sin? It certainly can never be. After all what will happen to all those who work in the wealth management services and insurance services industry if tomorrow was deemed to be so unimportant? They would be jobless, won't they be? And if God forbid that happens, then all those people like you and I won't be even in a position to enjoy their today. These little people live their today by selling us the hope of tomorrow. If their todays are dependent on our tomorrows, then it doesn't hurt one bit to plan a little and look forward to tomorrow a little. Insane it is, right to think that the foundations of a truly consumerist society also rest on the basis of social welfare which has the underpinnings of a theory that is totally disregarded, mocked and even ridiculed by the torchbearers of the same consumerist society that we are a part of?

Contradictions! Too many of them, right? But isn't that human nature? It is these burdening questions that we all try to run away from in our day-to-day dreary and drab lives. It is this craving that leads one to addiction. Purists and the right-wing moral brigade may not have any problems with the usage of the word "addiction" here. The problem that they might have is with the word "intoxication". After all, intoxication is the word which supposedly has negative connotations. But then what truly is intoxication? Isn't it again a way for you to escape the mundane? Probably? How different that is from the addiction that we all speak of so loosely? What exactly does addiction do? Any sort of addiction? Addiction to TV? Addiction to dope? Addiction to hope? Addiction to optimism? Why is it that only pot heads are labeled as weak mortals and escapists? And why is it their selection of an escape route always comes under the scanner? But that's a discussion for another day.

The whiskey tastes smooth and the soundtrack of Rockstar is just flawless in all its rendering. What the fuck was A R Rahman tripping on when he scored? There are some songs that can just take your soul away from you and land them at a place where you yearn all your life to be. Unfortunately, this chain that binds us all from flying as a collective specie towards that eternal peace is too strong and too rigid, so all that we can yearn for and access is that momentary lapse of reason. And that is what perhaps this momentary lapse of reason causes - a sense of abstraction. A sense of abstraction is what I feel right now. It surrounds me. And I wish that is the case till I meet with my eventual fate; but sadly enough that can't be the state.

So here's one for the abstraction.


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