Trapped in the Neverland...

Moments in time when the mind just wavers in all possible directions. These are moments when the body is just limited by the inability to comprehend the true liberation of the mind and therefore regresses into a feeling of being zoned out or feeling disoriented or just not being there. Why does it happen to me ever so often? Am I lost in a heap of thoughts or is it just that I simply sit back and take whatever life dishes out and then eventually feel bad about it that causes me to realize my own impotency?

Just not able to focus on anything, I am bored of almost everything and anything that surrounds me... Is it a communication starvation or simply that lack of high that the mind has gotten used to? Even when I refer to a high, what exactly am I referring to? Am I actually talking about the high caused by the intake of substance or is it a high that is relished more because of the presence of a certain company? And what does this company do to you? Does this company grow to define you? And if so, in what ways? Does indulging in intellectual sessions at all times render one socially inept? Does it cause a person to feel incapacitated to strike a normal, silly, and entertaining without being tangential conversations? What is the effect of such social withdrawal? Does an individual become more and more of a victim of his own limits or even limitlessness? Can pursuit of intelligence and intellectual awakening be sickening and choking?

Am I feeling the same sense of alienation? And even if I am, who should I blame for this sense of alienation? Is it the people around me? Or is it me, myself? Does it always have to be an external influence to create an air of alienation and disorientation that an individual feels? Perhaps not. Whatever it is, I guess I should learn to battle it. I should not fall for this. Perhaps, I should loosen up a bit. Perhaps, I should mingle a bit more... Perhaps, I should...


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